RSV and Underlying Conditions

Older adults and adults living with certain underlying conditions are at a greater risk of severe infections from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)5,19

RSV could catch anyone by surprise—especially if you have certain underlying conditions.1,5,19

RSV usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms, but certain underlying conditions put adults at greater risk for severe infection.3,5,17,19

You may be doing your best to manage your cardiovascular or respiratory disease, but RSV can still have a negative impact on your disease—including if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, or congestive heart failure (CHF). How negative? RSV infection can cause the severity of the underlying medical condition symptoms you manage every day to get worse and even lead to hospitalization.5,17,19,21,22

RSV infections can increase the risk of hospitalization for people with:

Diabetes | COPD or Asthma | CHF 5,17,19

RSV can pose an increased risk of hospitalization for older adults and adults living with certain underlying conditions* 17,19



2.4x and 6.4x

more likely to be hospitalized (≥65 years)

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)


3.8x and 6.5x

more likely to be hospitalized (≥65 years)



3.5x and 13.4x

more likely to be hospitalized (≥65 years)



2.3x and 2.5x

more likely to be hospitalized (≥65 years)

Congestive Heart Failure


4x to 7.6x

more likely to be hospitalized (≥65 years)

*A prospective, population-based, surveillance study was conducted to estimate the incidence of RSV hospitalization among adults ≥18 years overall and those with specific comorbidities. Active and passive surveillance identified 1099 adults hospitalized with RSV in 2 geographical areas in the United States (Rochester and New York City) over 3 RSV seasons. The incidence rate ratios presented above are not a range, but rather observations from 2 different locations comprised of the surveillance area. Estimated incidence rates for all comorbid conditions increased with age.

Incidence rate ratio in Rochester for hospitalizations related to asthma was not considered to be statistically significant.


True or false: Once a person contracts RSV, they cannot contract it again.

get the answer down-arrow

False. People can get RSV multiple times throughout their lives.12,15,16

RSV infection can be serious. Talk to your doctor to learn more about RSV.1


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